One of the most iconic moments in Malaga with the arrival of Christmas is the lighting and the Christmas light show on Calle Larios.

It is a phenomenon that year after year has more and more expectation. To the point that nowadays, it has become a national event, where it attracts thousands of tourists and local people who want to enjoy this spectacle.

If you want to know more in depth about the Christmas lights in Malaga this blog is for you:

When did the Christmas Lights phenomenon begin in Malaga?

To understand a little of the dimension of this event we must go back to 2014, when it was the first time that Calle Larios began to be illuminated in a different way. In this case, Iluminaciones Ximenez was commissioned to do the job and they chose to place lights distributed throughout the street in the shape of a large gothic cathedral.

In 2016 they decided to make a change and opted to place stars, vaults and moons. And in 2017 they opted to use an exclusive and very original decoration, as they reproduced domes and stained glass windows inspired by special Christmas moments.

For 2022 they have chosen a design that has brought a lot of expectation, as they have been inspired by the Celestial Angels, and which has been the subject of news on all the national news.

Luces de navidad Malaga 2022 encendidas

Christmas lights switch-on in Malaga 2022

The date chosen for the switching on of the Christmas lights in Malaga was the 26th of November. This year, Vanesa Martín, a local singer-songwriter who is deeply rooted in her homeland, was chosen to switch on the lights and gave a short speech before the switch-on.

Also, as a novelty, the attendees were able to enjoy a concert by the famous Cadiz band Andy y Lucas.

Timetable of the Malaga Christmas lights in Calle Larios 2022

To enjoy the light shows of Calle Larios it is important to note that it is divided into 3 shows; 18:30, 20:00 and 22:00, except on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve when there will be no light show.

In addition the lights are permanently on from 18:30 to 24:00 from Sunday to Wednesday and from 18:30 to 02:00 from Thursday to Saturday.

Raising awareness of light savings with Malaga’s Christmas lights

This year, unlike previous years, it has been decided to switch on the Christmas lights 2 hours less per day. The main reason has been to raise awareness about saving money in these times when the price of electricity is at an all-time high.

It is estimated that this measure could save more than 7000€ in relation to the consumption of Christmas lights in 2021.

From Benabola we encourage you to enjoy first hand this light show that has become a national benchmark.